Optimizing Website for Google Local Search Algorithm 2014 | Google Pigeon Algorithm Optimization Guide

After Google local search algorithm hit the local listings, many of the local business websites were out listed in Google search results. This is not getting penalized by Google like other spam filtering algorithms do.

Google local search algorithm, ‘Pigeon’(Search Engine Land named it ‘pigeon’) works in a total different way. It was released to give an user the best results within his local reach. We’ve already seen how the local search algorithm work in our previous article and so let’s focus on the factors that are downgrading your website in search engine results.

According to our previous article, the factors that are responsible for down ranking of your website are need to be taken care of now.

#1 Address specification on ‘contact us’ page

Lack of proper address specification on contact pages is a reason for downsizing of your website at Google.

When you are running a business, you should make it accessible to reach for customers. Not every customer would like to call you or send you an email before they meet you directly.

Keeping full address on the ‘contact us’ page would maintain the constant customer flow to your office directly.


#2 Optimizing website for search engines

Lack of proper optimization of website for search engines is also a reason for pushing down your business listing on Google.

Website that is well optimized would be honored by Google algorithms. Optimization incudes several areas of the website. Here are some useful links that can help you optimize your website for search engines.
and even more in SEO optimization guides.

#3 Non-informative ‘services’ page

Lack of information on ‘services’ page is also a reason for wrath of pigeon on your website.

Information on service pages should not limit to the type of services and the rates you offer them for. It should also be expanded to their availability in areas of the city or country. This will confirm Google that you are offering particular services in particular areas and so when someone searches for a business online, yours will be shown in the local listings too.

#4 Adding map on your contact and product/services pages

Google maps showing your location and surroundings on the ‘contact us’ page would help the search engine easily locate your business on the map. It is one of the things you can do to prove your locality at Google search engine.

Adding maps to ‘services’ page is nothing but showing the availability of services in that particular area. This will considerate your website as local business at Google.

Embedding a map on the static pages is a easy process and you can do it on your own with out the help of your webmaster.

#5 Optimizing Google+ business page

If you maintain a business page on Google+, creating it is not enough. You should take better care of it. Google+ pages with vague information and out-dated status updates will be opted out by local search algorithm.

Enter the complete contact details in G+ pages. Keep posting new updates like special offers you are offering, new releases, your business activity, and everything related to your business including customer experiences. This will give a good impression for the visitor on your business and motivates him contact you.

Bonus tip

Speak countrymen not a foreigner. When you are setting rates and prices, make sure you specify them in local money format. For example, if your business is located in India, set rates and prices in Indian Rupees(INR) rather than in USD.

If you are having your business in several countries, show up a page with that country money format. You may have to write a little code for that country redirect feature. Seek your webmaster if you are not a programmer or hire someone who can do it for you.

These optimization tips were analyzed from the current top local listings. I guess these are the main elements on the page a local search algorithm can consider.

Is your site also affected by ‘pigeon’ algorithm update? Do you think these optimizations would work? Did I miss anything? Feel free to share your thoughts in comments.

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