Google makes Android App indexing available for everyone now

“Do you have an Android app in addition to your website? You can now connect the two so that users searching from their smartphones and tablets can easily find and reach your app content.” says Google in its webmaster central blog.
If your site have an Android app, that will be be shown along with the site links in the search results. This helps people searching from their smart phones and tablets reach your app easily.
app indexing serp screenshot


App deep links help users find your content easily and re-engage with your app after they’ve installed it. You can show your content by adding pages of your website to the relevant parts of your app. So far many apps have already implemented app indexing. Connect you app today and keep track of the performance and the potential errors.


Implementing App Index to your site

Google has simplified the process indexing deep links. If your app supports HTTP deep link schemes, you can add your app to index by,

  1. Adding a deep link support to your app
  2. Connecting your site and your app

Upon indexing your URL’s Google will discover and index the app/site connections that may begin to show up app deep links in search results.


Google discovers and indexes the deep app links automatically but they strongly recommend to publish the deep links. You can also publish your custom deep link schema to Google in following ways:

“There’s one more thing: we’ve added a new feature in Webmaster Tools to help you debug any issues that might arise during app indexing. It will show you what type of errors we’ve detected for the app page-web page pairs, together with example app URIs so you can debug” says Mariya Moeva, Webmaster Trends Analyst in webmaster central blog.


Detailed instructions on how to debug an issue including the QR code for app deep links are also provided in the webmaster tools. Any errors will be notified in the form of error notifications in webmaster tools. You can also use webmaster tools forum for further help.

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