How is Breadcrumb helpful in SERP? | Best practices indicating Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs actually tracks your existence in a blog. It shows the path of an article or page on your are standing on right now. Adding breadcrumb to your blog improves the navigation for the reader. But how is it helpful in SERP?

As breadcrumb URLs shows the path where you are right now in a blog/website, they'd show up for the keywords we've searched for, in the URL section of the search result.

WebMasters generally use the characters '|', '/','>' and '>>' in the breadcrumbs. The path in the breadcrumbs then would be specified using those characters in between.

If breadcrumb on is concerned, it would look like:

You are here:Home » SEO » Top SEO tips that will help optimize your URL and Blog Permalinks

You can see us using '>>' character on this site to specify the path. If it is replaced by '|' character, it would look like:

You are here:Home | SEO | Top SEO tips that will help optimize your URL and Blog Permalinks

So what now? does the change of character in between matters for SEO? which character has more priority in SERP? Is there any priority at all?

Regarding the topic Matt answers a question asked by someone, Here by Matt Cutts says "It's too early for breadcrumbs now". But is was in 2010 he made this video! It's 2014 today and Google seems much concerned with Breadcrumbs now.

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