Getting High Traffic on Your Website Needs More than Archetypal Approach

Internet is filled with humdrums on how you can gain 1000 visitors per day from 100 visitors per day in less than a month! While these are mostly not scam sites, the tips bring the promised results to the luckiest of souls, which happen to be one in a million. So, if you wish to get good quality traffic to your site, you need to cut the clutter and think beyond the hackneyed procedures which are past their prime.

That said, not all is wrong with the tried and true approach if you are dedicated enough to follow that in a right tone. There is a huge literature dedicated to make you understand how you can pull visitors to your site, but it fails to instill that commitment, that seriousness in you so that you follow the instructions to the T. let’s discuss few ways, while adding something to them, and understand how they can really boost your website’s numbers:

Have an Absolute Understanding of Your Target Audience

It has to start from there. Before the first word is spoken, unless you know who your target audience is, you are only roaming blinded territories. You must have a pretty clear idea of who will be reading your articles, who will be stumbling upon to your blog, who would be interested in sharing the posts within his/her circle and some. Only when you have a basic idea what demographic are you targeting, people of which age group are interested in your articles, which gender is usually active on your website, etc. you won’t have any idea of which direction is your blog supposed to take from thereon.

Concentrate Dedicatedly on Them

Now that you have performed an analysis on who is who if your visitors, it is time to make them stay and be your regular visitors. Your ultimate aim should be to coax your visitors to bookmark your website. For that, the content you post must be extremely valuable. Not making it boring to read is the least you can do on your part, rest might follow well enough to suit your objectives cardinally. Make sure the content is of high quality and there is no plagiarism. More than visitors, it will be Google which is going to punish for plagiarism.

Make Google Like You

In continuation from where we ended in the last point, make Google your friend. At the end of the day, it will be Google that will be responsible for the success of your blog. If you do everything Google suggests, you follow all the right practices to ensure that your website is indexed, Google will send quality traffic towards it. The relevant users are cardinally targeted. However, if you do not keep the Google’s algorithms in mind, you are going to lose out on the biggest and most reliable source of traffic. Google prefers websites which offer value to their readers. It indexes the content which is characterized by quality. Higher quality content on your website will mean higher indexing. At the same time, you have to keep updating the content. if you are following the practice of adding one post per week, you are likely to witness a very slow growth, even with quality content. If monetary benefits are the target, you need heavy traffic, for which you need to heavily update your website. One post per day also suffices, if it is shareable.


By no means ignore the importance of search engine optimization, no matter what the ‘experts’ may claim. Google will recognize your website, rather, it will be easy for Google to identify your website and determine its tonality if you have optimized it for keywords that fit the bill. Try to use permissible number of meta tags, meta keywords and meta descriptions so as to give Google an idea of what your website is really about. The H1 tags must be included in every post, though they should be relevant and not random at all.

Gaining high traffic may involve a lot of mathematics, but eventually, quality sells. And your website is no different.

About Author

Peter Milar is a highly reputed writer who works as a team with the Java Software Development experts of Xicom Technologies to create informative and full of insight posts around the Java technology. Hire Java Developers from Xicom to receive premium quality Java application development.

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