Working with Post & Comment Settings in Blogger | Blogger Basics

Post and Comment settings in blogger give you control over the posts and comments in your blog. You can limit the posts on the homepage, design or specify a particular posting template common for each post, change comment acceptance and display settings on your blog.

Unlike the basic settings, the post & comment settings have less impact on the entire blog’s visibility. Let’s take a tour of ‘Post & Comment’ settings of your blogger blog.

Post Settings

Show at most

You can set/limit the visibility of number of posts on your blog’s homepage. To do so go to Settings >Post & Comment >Under Posts, enter the number of posts to be displayed on the main page, in the field ‘Show at most’.

You can also choose between the ‘posts’ and ‘days’ associated with the number you have entered.
  • If ‘posts’ is chosen, the number of posts will be displayed on the homepage.
  • If ‘days’ is chosen, the posts posted in that number of days will be displayed on the homepage.

Post Template

If you are posting certain format of posts on your blog, you can predefine a posting template. This will help you not to format your every post in a certain format every time.

You need to have an of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to design your own posting template.

Showcase images with Lightbox

Setting it to ‘Yes’ will open images in a blog in a focused environment with the black out-focused background when clicked.

Setting it ‘No’ will open images in the blog in a parent tab of the article page normally.

Comment Settings

Comment Location

Comment location setting defines the position of the comment system on your blog.

  • Setting it to ‘Embedded’ displays comments under the posts.
  • Setting it to ‘Full Page’ displays comments in a full page.
  • Setting it to ‘Popup Window’ will show comments in a popped up window.
  • Setting it to ‘Hide’ will hide comments on your blog irrespective of the show/hide settings that are set while composing a post.

Who can comment?

You can set the privacy settings for your comment system on your blog. You can allow everyone or some specific members by choosing the options available.
  • Choosing ‘Anyone’ allows anyone to comments on your blog posts. It also allows anonymous users to comment.
  • Choosing ‘Registered User’ will only allow registered users to comment on your blog posts. One has to login with the accounts available to show their identity before making a comment.
  • Choosing ‘Users with Google Accounts’ will only allow those who have Google accounts. One has to sign into his/her Google account before making a comment.
  • Choosing ‘Only members of this blog’ will only allow authors of the blog to comment.

Comment Moderation

You can control the spam comments on your blog by keeping a watch on it.
  • Setting the comment moderation to ‘Always’ will not publish every comment made by your blog readers. You’ll have to review it and allow it to get it displayed in the comment section
  • Setting the comment moderation to ‘Sometimes’ will not publish the comment that seems spam for the commenting system or when it is made by a low reputed commenter. You can then review it and choose to allow/remove it later.
  • Setting the comment moderation to ‘Never’ will allow any kind of comments and you can only choose to delete or show them after they are published. If once the published comment is deleted, it will show ‘the comment is deleted by the admin’ message at the comment location.

Show word verification

Setting word verification to ‘Yes’ will ask to verify a captcha code before they submit a comment. This will help your blog get rid of automated comments made by spammers.

Setting word verification to ‘No’ will not ask to very captcha code. This is vulnerable and may get spam comments.

Show Backlinks

Backlinks are the links that are linked to your articles. We’ll talk about them more precisely in advanced tutorials. Let’s just make it short for now.

To show up the link that is linked to your blog posts, set it to ‘Yes’ otherwise set it to ‘No’.

Comment Form Message

You can write any instructions for your readers who are about to comment on your blog posts just like I have written in the following screenshot.

That’s all for now

I hope you got an idea about ‘posts & comments’ settings of your blog. Go to blogger basics tutorials page and learn to blog with blogger right from start.

Have a good day! :-)

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