10 Market Place Apps for Firefox OS that Worth Trying Out

If you are a different one in the stars who use Firefox operating system while the world is using Android and iOS crazily, you are the one for the future. This also happened to Galileo and Copernicus in the past, so don’t feel abandoned. You are going to inspire the future world.

If your Android and iOS freaky friends blame you for having Firefox OS on your phone, you should be ready to show them what your smart phone has got. Here are the 5 market place applications for Firefox OS that worth trying out. Get them onto your phone now show that Firefox OS is not so different from the rest of the world’s crazy operating systems.

#1 Facebook

A phone without a great screen also having Facebook application these days. So to compare an operating system, even a non-techie could ask this question “do you have Facebook on your phone?

Yes! smartphones running on Firefox OS also have very good Facebook application. The only thing that I hate about it is, it shows off the password characters when typing unlike in android and iOS. Apart from it everything is fine and cool.

#2 Twitter

Twitter works great on Firefox. It keeps feeding new tweets and activities from the follow circle.

The twitter UI on Firefox OS is great with home, connect, discover and me links along with the find friends, search and tweet buttons neatly furnished on the screen.

#3 YouTube

The application that got mass fans after Facebook is YouTube. People love to watch streaming videos on their handsets. YouTube is one of those must have applications on any smartphone.

#4 SoundCloud

Are you a music freak? Want to keep the day run with the beat? Here is SoundCloud which is one of those amazing music apps most android users may not use. Install this software and gloat at your friends phones when they are around.

Listen what world is hearing. The SoundCloud app for Firefox OS gives you handy controls to search and explore the sound waves that were being propagating around the world. It make another great app for Firefox OS.

#5 OpenWapp

OpenWapp is no different application. It is an open source project of WhatsApp for Firefox OS. Using OpenWapp is a different experience on Firefox OS. It will act like it doesn’t recognize your phone number initially but works fine once validated.

You can choose to check messages for every time interval during the profile set up itself.

#6 Translator

Translator application by Kumar McMillan works great on Firefox. It detects the language automatically and gives out the meaning as given in dictionary along with the parts of speech of it.

All the meanings fetched are from wordreference.com. The source code for this app is open to the developers for any further development of it.

#7 Photo Funia

Photo Funia, as it sounds is an photo editing application that can be used to set some post effects for the pictures taken with your smartphone. If you are an Android or iOS user, you would have used this app once in your gadget experience lifetime.

You can choose from different effects that are available in the menu options.

#8 SD Explorer

You can explore the files and directories of your SSD and eMMC memory cards easily.

This application allows you to open, share and delete the files from the phone memory.

#9 QR Reader

QR Reader application reads the two dimensional bar code and gives you the detail about it.

The application access the camera of your smartphone to read the code. This application is only compatible with the Firefox OS 1.4 and above.

#10 Flappy Bird Plus

Yes! the flappy bird is here. The gaming application that every android and iOS users dreamt of having on their mobile phones. Would you believe me that second-hand iPhones installed with flappy bird application were sold out for about 150% higher rates than that of the original rate?

You will get the original flappy bird experience with Firefox OS. If still your android and iOS freaky friend taunts you, show the flappy bird and he’ll never dare to take out his phone again when you are around.

Last beep

Firefox has just entered into smartphone race as an underdog. It may take a couple of years of time for it to evolve and get a market like Android and iOS. Even android is in the limelight when Symbian was ruling the world with Nokia devices. The market goes with the trend. If you are a real techie, you should also learn how to swim against the flow.

If you are the one who chose that Firefox mobile among all those reigning androids and iOS’s, you are gutsy one to try out new technologies. You can adapt to any technology faster than those of your friends who would just swim with the flow.

All the best! I wish Firefox bring more charm and magic to the future versions of its operating systems.

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