How to detect and fight malware on your computer

Our computers can caught malware anytime, anywhere. They may not only get infected through unsecured websites and infected removable drives but also when our security system slow downs its performance. You won’t even know that some kind of malware is residing on your computer until you observe some odd behavior of the computer.

The malware of any other virus is a program after all. It also need some space to run itself. That means it needs a share in the processor and the system memory to execute. You can identify it in the running processes in task manager with a strange name that you have not installed. Do not consider that every other program or service running other than from your installed programs is a malware. So, it is better not to go and assess the running programs unless you are a pro user.

Note: Some programs may not show up in running processes. If you find no weird program running on your computer, that doesn’t mean your computer is virus free.

Anti-viruses cannot detect every malicious code and program. In fact many new viruses are being born everyday. As it is impossible to update the virus definitions in real time, anti-viruses cannot give you a full protection.

So there is something else to protect your computer from malware and that is your care. We actually depend on the anti-viruses totally. When we come about any odd behavior, we simply scan our computer again. Scanning computer viruses is a good thing but it needs the user’s attention fully. You have to take care of your own security of data on your computer. For that all you have to do is,

IMPLEMENT layered security for your company in case of security needed for your organization. Use anti-spam, anti-spyware, anti-virus and anti-malware solutions for your systems and network gateways to increase the protection. After all, security means more value for an organization.

IMPLEMENT a firewall for your networks. Firewalls can protect you from malicious inbound and outbound traffics. Setting strong filters for firewall would help you block attacks at the gate only.

KEEP  your software up to date. I don’t know what makes them to fear of, many people afraid to update their computer software, most particular in countries like India. The slow internet in many parts of the country might be a cause. May be they don’t wanted to loose the internet speed by dedicating all the speed up to limit for updates.

Updating software means mitigating security vulnerabilities on your computer. The updated software has very little chance of getting attacked than that of non-updated.

SET strong passwords would make it difficult to hack. A strong password would be of 8 character long and consists of a capital letter, a digit and a special symbol.

A strong password like ‘P@ssw0rd’ cannot be the strong password as it is easily guessable. Feed you brain some strong password exercise. Also choose different passwords for different applications. One hacked password should not give access to the remaining applications & services.

DO NOT share your passwords with anyone nor your computer. Do not make your computer remember you passwords. Hackers can easily gain access to your passwords if once your browser is hacked.

NEVER download stuff from untrusted sites. Never click on the download links from unauthorized sites directly. If you are using IDM as your download manager, set a automatic scan of downloaded objects immediately.

BE CAUTIOUS about the files you get from your friends. Because there are new viruses swaying on the internet from time to time. Check these important instructions to protect yourself from new viruses.

FOLLOW good security practices. Take appropriate precautions while using email and web browsers to the risk of spreading infections. Follow security news updates from various news channels and trusted sources.

A computer alone cannot defend itself against harmful malware and spyware unless your intervention is included. Take care of your computer. Stay safe!

Have you ever suffered the wrath of malware on your computer? How did you fought with it at that time? Share you experiences in comments.

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