“Bear Tears Woman Apart” & “Anaconda Swallows Woman Alive - Video” are spam

Two new and similar spam links are rolling out in facebook news feed recently. The two links are being propagated the same way previous facebook spams have spread out. People’s anxiety over such happenings is air to such craps on facebook.

Here is how they look like:

facebook spamfacebook-spam

This click fraud links asks the victim to hit the play button to watch the video which actually shares it on to his timeline and ends up crashing the player. Facebook has already released an algorithm update in the past to weed out these kind of click scams.

How to keep away from these scams?

There is only one way to keep away from these kind of scams. Do not click the links and hold your anxiety over such updates on facebook. Facebook or any other social network won’t encourage displaying disturbing content on the walls of its users. So next time you go to give a click on it, wait for half a second and think over it for the remaining half second.

Keep yourself safe!

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