Make Money Online by Marketing ‘Everything Else’

We’ve seen so far the money making programs that have a limitation on the products or services the sellers are offering. This limited product inventory could only gain exposure to some class of people who actually know about it.

Let us suppose if I am promoting a web hosting service through my blog and social media profiles, those who only have an idea and interest on Webhosting would catch up my links and the rest would ignore. This means the chances of earning by marketing are also limited to the interest of the people.


It would be easy to earn more revenue from affiliate marketing if the products we are promoting matches the taste and interest of a different class of people. It no needs to be a single product variant but I’m talking here about different products through a single affiliate marketing network.

Does it sound familiar?

It should be! because I’m going to bring you a new affiliate program that works like Cuelinks, one we had discussed before.

There is an Indian affiliate network program called PayOOM, that has an association with various e-commerce and other e-buying platforms online. PayOOM provides various tools to promote the products of their advertisers in various ways and pays affiliate marketers through commissions.

How to Sign Up?

Signing up for the PayOOM affiliate program is as easy as sipping a morning coffee.

Go to and fill in the form given.

After hitting the ‘Sign Up’ button, if all the fields are properly filled in, you will get a signup success message on the screen asking you time for reviewing your registration.


Meanwhile, you will get a registration confirmation email along with your login credentials. Save it aside for future reference of your login credentials.

It would take up to 3 days for them to review your account. They took 3 days to activating my account.

You will get an email when your account is activated. It reads as follows:


How to Start Earning?

When your affiliate account is activated, the next thing you should do is to check out the account information and see if there are any emptiness in it. If any emptiness is found, fill it up, so that you won’t get any trouble while getting paid.

Login to to access your dashboard. Explore the options under each tab once to keep them handy.

You can see the contact details of your account manager under the options on the left pane. Your account manager can answer any kind of queries. Feel free to contact him/her when needed.

Go to ‘Offers’ and search for deals from different categories of products and services offered by various advertisers. The ‘offers’ categories include Baby Care, Dating, E-Commerce, Fashion, Travel, Real Estate, Downloads, Flowers and Gifts and a lot more. That is why I said ‘everything else’ in the title of this article.

You can also search for products and services by countries and categories as well to promote.

Using Advertising Tools

PayOOM provides wonderful advertising tools for its affiliates. They are classified as ‘Ad Groups’, ‘Pixels/Postbacks’ and ‘APIs’.

Ad Groups – Allows you to create a banner/textual ad units with custom chose the size and selected advertisers.

Pixels/Postbacks – Allows you to manage third-party conversion tracking pixels and postback URLs.

APIs – You should have special permissions to use APIs. You have to request for APIs by clicking on the ‘Request API’ from the APIs page.

One Last Word

PayOOM is a very good affiliate program that allows us to earn commissions on even tiny products like baby diapers, food items, flowers, and gifts. They may not earn you some handsome money for a couple of leads but can surely earn the attention of many onliners.

Flowers? seriously? God! what am I going through to earn through online?

Do you feel the same way? Share your opinion in comments.

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  1. Can anyone help me in setting up Payoom API to my wordpress website?


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