Artificial Intelligence in Computer Games | Abstract Download

In computer games, Artificial Intelligence generally means creating computer players that can think rationally and also can act humanly. First problems of game AI were solved by making challenging computer players that play the best move. But as the games involved more imagination, new problems emerged such as designing humanly behaving and responding characters.

Games are traditionally played by a group of players. Few examples are chess, hide-and-seek, football. In contrast, many computer games are single-player. So, there is a problem of interactivity in computer games. If the player perceives the game to be a deterministic machine, giving predictable outcomes, it probably will no longer feel like a game. To solve this problem, AI programmers create rational agents in the game to give the illusion of human players. If the player is faced by the challenge to win against intelligent rational opponents, the game feels more like a game.

First computer games were digitized versions of regular board games in which intelligent opponents were adequate for the simulation of the real game. But the development of computer graphics, sounds and input technologies opened the way to new possibilities. Games began to have stories, plots, scenes and characters. Unlike board games, which were relatively simple abstractions, computer games began to create a constantly complexifying realm of fantasy worlds. But of course the deepness of these worlds not only depended on the imaginations of game and art designers, but also the artificial hearts and minds of the characters in the game. Since then, game AI has been required to model more and more intelligent and realistic behaviour.

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