Placing AdSense Ads Under the Title in Blogger

AdSense ads perform better when placed in right place. Even the heat map of Ad unit placement layout says the same. Every Ad unit you add should be in the sight layout of the visitor so that he can pay attention to the Ads along with the content.

Placing Ad units under the title of each post would get the visitors attention every time when the page is loaded. Adding Ad units under the title is not a heavy task but a simple one which needs your little attention while adding it.

Placing Ad units under the title

Following is the process of adding a Ad unit under the title in blogger.

Step 1: Create an Ad Unit from and copy the installation code.

Step 2: Go to and parse the Ad code. Then copy the parsed code. The parsing code is nothing but replacement of ‘<’ with ‘&lt;’ and ‘>’ with ‘&gt;’ and so on.

Your parsed Ad code would look something like this:

Synchronous Ad Code:

&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;&lt;!--
google_ad_client = &quot;ca-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&quot;;
google_ad_slot = &quot;xxxxxxxxx&quot;;
google_ad_width = 728;
google_ad_height = 90;
&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;

Asynchronous Ad Code:

&lt;script async src=&quot;//;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;!-- YOUR AD NAME --&gt;
&lt;ins class=&quot;adsbygoogle&quot;
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Step 3: Go to your blogger blog’s dashboard > Template > Edit HTML. Press Ctrl+F and find the following piece of code.


Now paste the parsed Ad code right before the above piece of code.

Step 4: Save template and check it on your blog. It might take 5-15 minutes to show up the Ad if it is a newly created Ad unit. If it is old, already created Ad unit code, you would see the Ad instantly.

That’s all! isn’t it simple! Comment below if any assistance is needed. Thank you!

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