5 Must have Android Apps to Save Yourself from Danger

How many of us are using our smart phones efficiently i.e. using it for every situation appropriately? Actually not many of us use our smart phone to the fullest. What’s the point in updating the operating system or software or even buying a new gadget every other year if you are not able to utilize the phone fully? Many of the Android users don’t even know that there are certain apps that will allow the users to save themselves from danger. Yeah! Next time if you are in danger don’t panic even if you are not in position to call 911 you will be able to use these apps to save yourself from dangerous situations.

5-must have android apps are enlisted below:

Save Women:

Save Women is an innovative app designed by the Mathalogic IT solutions for Android device. This app is free and this app send pre-written message to your pre-listed set of contacts. All you need to do is install this app, enter your name and five preferred contact numbers and write the message for example “I’m in danger”. When you are about to face a danger from rapists, terrorists or buglers and you are not in position to call or message this app comes handy, all you got to do is shake your phone vigorously. This will make the app send SMS to your stored contacts.

EMNet Finder:

This is an app developed by Massachusetts General Hospital. This will allow users to locate the closest emergency room from your current location. This helps you to track the emergency room using GPS and this also provides users with driving direction to the nearest hospital or emergency room. This app will be useful if you or someone else near you has got struck in an accident.


ICE app is a must have for every Android user. This will let the first helper to check whom to call and whom to inform when you are in danger. This will give the first helper the crucial details he might need to save you with just few clicks. The app is password protected thus no one can change the data except you however the users can view the data to help you.

Blood Alcohol Calculator:

If you drink too much then that itself will create you a dangerous situation. This app will help you from the danger of over drinking problem. You can use this app to test your blood alcohol level by inputting the number, quantity and type of drinks you had so that it will let you know whether it is safe to drive.


This is an innovative app for you and your loved ones while you are driving. This app is elegantly designed with very powerful GPS System and also Accelerometer-based driving detection tool that will ensure monitoring and helps in safe driving that protecting you from danger.

Although these apps will effectively let you to be saved from varied dangers it is in your hands to be safe and strong. Always remember to charge your battery, have sufficient balance and an active data connection.

Author Bio:

I’m Zoya Bennet, part of Contus mobility team and author of this article. I’m a passionate blogger interested in writing articles on application development for android. I constantly offer technology-based solutions for the platforms iOS, Android and Windows.

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