Full Seminar Report on Intelligent Networks

The introduction of the IN/1 marked the first time that service logic was external to switching systems and located in databases called service control Points (SCPs). Two services evolved that required IN/1 service logic- 800 ( or Freephone) service and the calling-card verification....... Because of the service-specific nature of the technology, these services required two separate SCPs. To communicate with the associated service logic, the software was deployed in switching systems. This switching system software enabled the switching system to recognize when it was necessary to communicate with an SCP via the SS7 network.

With the introduction of the SCP concept, new operations and management systems became necessary to support service creation, testing, and provisioning. In the above figure, note the term " service-specific management systems" under the box labeled " service management systems". This means that the software-defined hooks or triggers are specific to the associated service. For example, an 800 service has an 800-type trigger at the switching system, an 800-service database at the SCP, and an 800-service management system to support the 800 SCP. In this service- specific environment, the 800- service set of capabilities cannot be used for other services( e.g., 900 services). Although the service logic is external to the switching system, it is still service specific.

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