How to Change Payment Option to EFT in Amazon Associates Account have recently introduced EFT payment option for its associates in India on Monday. The associates who are getting paid by cheques can now get their earnings paid directly into their bank accounts. The benefit of being paid by electronic fund transfer is that you can get your earnings with in short time and no payment processing fees are charged for it.

If you want to change your current payment option, log in to your associates account and click on ‘Account settings’ on the top right pane of the webpage. It will direct you to a page with associate account control panel.

Click on ‘Change payment Method’ under ‘Payment Information’.

The tax information and organization type need not not be changed. So leave them as they are.

Under ‘Your Payment Method’, Select ‘Pay me by EFT’ option by opting out the previous ‘Pay me by cheque’ option.

Enter your bank account details correctly. If you need any help regarding finding IFSC code of your bank, please refer ‘Incorrect bank account number or bank codes’ section in an article about AdSense Wire Transfer Payments.

Click on ‘Submit’ when done entering bank details. If you entered all desired details in the EFT payment form, it will show you a success message like as shown in the following screenshot.

Congratulations! you are now set your Amazon associates account payment option to EFT.

Enjoy selling!

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