Make your own executable files in windows without any software

Techies like me and like you used to wonder how to make their own executable file that can be installed on the windows machine. Even I have searched for such .exe file creating software on the internet many times in the past. Later I found a better solution for this, I found a tool in windows called iexpress 2.0 that comes along with all versions of windows since windows 2000 version. It helps to create a self-extracting/self-installing package on windows systems. Let's take a look at how to make a.exe file using iexpress 2.0.

Create your own .exe file

Before you create your .exe file, bring together all your files needed to be installed. make sure of the order and hierarchies of directories of files. Let’s start creating the .exe file with iexpress 2.0.


Step 1: Open Run( press Win+R to open Run window), type iexpress and press Enter. iexpress 2.0 wizard will be opened like this.

Welcome to iexpress 2.0

Step 2: Select ‘Create new self extraction directive file’ and click on Next to continue.

(the option ‘Open existing self extraction directive file’ opens the already created .exe files with iexpress.)


package purpose


Step 3: In this step, the package purpose has to be selected. By default, it will be set to ‘Extract files and run an installation command’. (You can select ‘Extract files only’ if you just want the files to be extracted into the specified directory. I recommend you to use the default option) . Click on Next leaving the default selection as it is.


Package title


Step 4: Give the title of the package i.e., a name to your installation .exe file and click Next. In my case I chose 'example package’ as my package title.


Confirmation prompt


Step 5: In this step, you can create the prompt dialog to the user to confirm the installation. Choose Prompt user with option and type your prompt in case you wanted the installation be confirmed by the user( for example, prompt will be like this, “Do you really want to install this?” .


Choose No prompt if you don’t want to prompt user for confirmation( this option is selected by default) and click Next.

License agreement

Step 6: Choose Display a license if you want to display a license agreement of your installation file. You will be asked to browser a text format of your license file. Then click on Next to continue. I chose the default option Do not display a license in this tutorial.


packaged files

Step 7:  Add the files in to the package and click Next

Install program to lauch

Step 8: Select the programs or INF files to launch from the package after the installation. Custom launch command can also be given in the Install program field.


The Post install command will be <None> if you create a custom command.

Show window

Step 9: Select you installation window’s visibility during installation and click Next to continue.


Finished message


Step 10: Select Display message and type the message if you want to display a message to the user after installation is complete. Otherwise choose No message.

package name and options


Step 11: Browse the executable file of your package that is executed by the user which is used as installer. You can choose to check or uncheck the options given. Click on Next to continue.


configure restart

Step 12: You can select how you want the system to restart at the end of the installation in this step.


save self extraction

Step 13: You can choose to save the information as SED(Self Extraction Directive) file. This saved information can be useful in modifying the package in future.


create package

Step 14: Click on Next to start creating your package. Wait until the process completes.


You are done creating your own .exe file. Now test the file installing on your machine. Do some geek stuff today!! Follow us on Facebook and twitter for more updates

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