Color Picker Pen : Just scan the color & color the World

Color Picker Pen is an Innovative concept pen by Korean designer Jinsu Park that allows you to scan any color from your environment and instantly use it for drawing. The color is detected by the RGB Color Sensor inside the pen, then the red, green, and blue inks are mixed together to create the desired color. The concept pen kind of adopts the eyedropper tool of Photoshop or color picker tool in MS Paint for real life.

The sensor of the pen detects the color of the Apple & now the color is mixed using the cartridges in the pen and color is yours to use now.

The pen has a RGB color sensor at the tip and a color scan button beneath it. The lower part consists of RGB cartridge as a refill of Pen and there is a display that shows the current pick color as well.

Although it doesn’t seems to be cost effective, but kudos to technology things which made the life easier in image processing tools like photoshop & paint is now available for real world too.

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