Amazing technologies upcoming in 2013

IBM’s cognitive technology

IBM is going to introduce the cognitive technology to the world in many disciplines. This technology would surely foot mark the uniqueness of all the upcoming technologies. According to IBM, the cognitive technology is a multi-disciplinary synthesis of Neuroscience, Computer Science, Mathematics and Information theory.

Know more about cognitive technology in IBM's voice.

Laser keyboard in Samsung S4

The laser keyboard technology is probably a now-a-day technology that is being propagated in the school level presentations. But the implementation of this technology is still an ant’s tooth. Samsung is going to introduce this technology in its new new product Samsung Galaxy S4. Though the technology is to new to the general global users, it is anticipated that it will create the trend in the markets of Samsung.

Nokia morph technology

Nokia is ongoing its research on insisting the morph technology in its devices that acts as a bridge between the advanced technologies and potential benefits to the end user. This technological concept showcases the revolutionary leaps explored by Nokia Research Center(NRC) in collaboration with Cambridge Nanoscience Center(CNC)(UK). This technology uses nano technology that potentially creates a world of devices with more spectrum of possibilities.

Google glasses

Google ever produce its gadgets that snatches the consumer’s interest and top list in the trending technologies. If we can say Android is an example, but Google's new project the ‘Google glasses’ is going to trend the new year.

Google glasses is the innovative attempt of Google to make a wearable computing mainstream. These are very smart pair of glasses with an integrated heads-up display. The more stuff about Google glasses is very well reviewed by TechRadar.

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